Do Doctors Treat Sugar Addiction? if So, How?

Question by celestialpickle: Do doctors treat sugar addiction? If so, how?
For example, if someone was put on a strict diet to lose weight as a medical treatment to a health problem, but the person couldn’t stick to it because of a sugar addiction, what would the doctor do?

Best answer:

Answer by i love lizzie
he would tell you not to eat sugar

Answer by Jill B
There is no medical treatment for sugar addiction. An addiction to sugar is just like any other addiction. It is a matter of willpower on the part of the individual. The doctor cannot monitor a patient at home or at work all day!!! The individual on the diet has to STOP eating it on their own. A doctor is only able to do so much. Just like the patient who has lung cancer, the doctor will tell him/her to stop smoking and some still continue despite the health issues and warnings from the doctor.

I would suggest that this person give up the sugar IMMEDIATELY (yes it CAN be done) especially if it’s affecting their health. Why would you want to risk losing your life over sweets??? How would their family and friends feel if they were gone??? Have they considered that?

I know it is difficult but having rid myself of this addiction in the past 2 months I KNOW that it can be done (I was a huge sugar and chocolate freak!) Suggest they begin by keeping a notebook/diary of their daily food intake. BE HONEST and write in everything you eat. Believe me, it is an eye opener.

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