What Is the Treatment for Alcohol and Drugs?

Question by : what is the treatment for alcohol and drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by maps3333
no treatment for alcohol. you drink in moderation or dont drink at all or lose everything for eternity depends on the drugs

Answer by Nitram
you haven’t said what you want treating. If you’re over-doing it then cut down or stop. If you want to start then you need to develop you palate to appreciate the stronger tasting drinks.

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He said she also had 88mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood – 1.1 times the drink-drive limit. … The crime prevention minister, Norman Baker, speaking at a drug treatment centre in west London, said he hoped to send a message that the drug was harmful.
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"He left the rehabilitation centre when police served papers (about the drug possession and supply charges). "He had not … "You have a history of serious violence and property offences related to drug and alcohol abuse and mental health issues. "You …
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