Drug Treatment Centers

The Holistic Sanctuary Stakes a Claim as the Most Successful Addiction

The Holistic Sanctuary Stakes a Claim As the Most Successful Addiction
The one common denominator between the vast majority of these drug treatment centers is that they rely on prescribed medications to control the addictive drug cravings of Heroin, Opiates and Alcohol abuse. The problem is only compounded by… Continue reading

Louisiana Lawmakers Open Hearings on $25 Billion State Budget

Louisiana lawmakers open hearings on billion state budget
In addition, the corrections department is saving $ 5 million less than expected from a new law that allows nonviolent drug offenders to leave prison early and others to avoid jail if they complete a drug treatment program. Lawmakers will consider ways… Continue reading

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Centers?

Question by Alaska33: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment centers?
I am doing a school project on PTSD and I’m trying to find out where there are treatment centers for this disorder in the New Enland region. Do you know of any?


Best answer:

Answer by Pandora
PTSD is not… Continue reading

Addiction Treatment Portland | Drug Intervention Centers Portland | Addiction Treatment Portland

Addiction Treatment Portland | Drug Intervention Centers Portland | Addiction Treatment Portland — http://portland.alcoholdrugrehabor.com/ Alcohol Drug Rehab Portland – Call (503) 389-6777 to Get Help Now! We offer the best drug rehab, alcohol rehab facili…

Vancouver's Portland Hotel Society gives alcoholics the harm-reduction treatment
Valerie now lives at Station Street,… Continue reading

Drug Rehab Centers Out West or Down South?

Question by P: Drug Rehab centers out west or down south?
I need to know of any good drug rehab centers out west or down south. Im working out a plan to send my sister to one. Shes 20 and is strung out on Oxy Cotin to the point that… Continue reading

I Am a Nurse in a Drug Treatment Center in Maryland?

Question by Pebbles: I am a Nurse in a drug treatment center in Maryland?
Most of our clients are homeless with kid, How can we get toy donations for these kids?

Best answer:

Answer by inwardbound
call the salvation army; I don’t see why they wouldn’t donate.

tell all the… Continue reading