Meth Madness: How American Media's Drug Hysteria Vilifies the Poor

Meth madness: How American media's drug hysteria vilifies the poor
The media warned of “crack-crazed” addicts and, despite the virtual lack of any scientific evidence for these claims, Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act setting 100 times harsher penalties for crack than powder cocaine convictions (even though the …
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Cooking up trouble: Rise in meth use sends up red flags
An old drug is making a new splash on the illegal drug scene — a trend that area law enforcement agencies and substance abuse professionals say is alarming. The resurgence of methamphetamine has been underway for more than a decade, but illicit use …
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Most addicts won't seek treatment — until police intervene
He likened meth to cocaine, in terms of addiction. But the high for meth is so much more intense, that it's even harder for addicts to break away. Still, he said, meth patients who find assistance at intensive outpatient programs usually do as well as …
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Sheriff's group says heroin, meth abuse rising in Maine
Maine Drug Enforcement Agent Jason Pease offered grim details of that problem, beginning with the number of makeshift methamphetamine laboratories cropping up around the state, particularly in rural Aroostook County. The Maine Drug Enforcement …
Read more on Morning Sentinel

Methamphetamine Addiction and Methamphetamine Abuse — – Methamphetamine Addiction and Methamphetamine Abuse – Call our Toll-Free Recovery Hotline at 1-800-839-1682 and discover the bes…

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