Inpatient Treatment for Gambling Does Anyone Know Where to Go ?

Question by Janet D: inpatient treatment for gambling does anyone know where to go ?
I have been in two inpatient treatment centers and three out patient since 2001 and I am looking for another inpatient treatment for gambling

Best answer:

Answer by Elyse
I used to work at an extended care/ after care drug and alcohol treatment center and we got a lot of client referrals from Sierra Tuscon in Arizona. The clients that came from there generally spoke very highly of it and had great experiences. I think it is a more expensive treatment center ($ 20,000 for 30 days but I could be wrong). I’m not sure if they deal specifically with gambling but they deal with multiple forms of addiction (drugs and alcohol, eating disorders, love addiction, sex addiction, OCD, and mental health in general) and co-occuring addictions and may be worth looking into. They may also be helpful in referring you to another facility if they don’t have a program that is quite what your looking for.

I found other centers specifically for gambling addiction using a google search but I don’t personally know much about them so cannot tell you much about them but here’s some links.

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