How Can I Get a Prescription for Methadone in Montana?
Question by Jamie L: How can I get a prescription for methadone in Montana?
Does anyone know of any doctors in Montana that will write a prescription for methadone?I realize there are no methadone clinics in montana,but i’ve heard you can get a prescription if you find the right doctor.I’ve been on methadone for 3 years and I’m moving to Missoula,Montana in 10 days.I cannot find a doc anywhere to continue my prescription for methadone,I’ve tried detoxing several times unsuccesfully,it’s not an option for me,neither is suboxone, I have tried that also and it did not help.Please contact me if you know of any possible doctors, im getting very nervous at this point.Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by qtpie20121
Wow! I don’t blame you for being worried. I checked the locator and found Suboxone programs but no MMT programs even within 100 miles of Missoula. That is surprising because it is such a big place. Here is a link for Missoula Treatment centers where you can request help and specify what you need. Unfiortunately if there are no Methadone clinics the only way of getting it prescribed would be via a pain clinic but that must be for pain and is usually smaller doses than MMT clinics. Anyway, io would use the following link. Good Luck.
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