Heroin Scourge Cuts Across Cultural and Economic Barriers – ABQ Journal

Heroin scourge cuts across cultural and economic barriers – ABQ Journal

Heroin scourge cuts across cultural and economic barriers
ABQ Journal
Although New Mexico has several short-term treatment facilities – including Albuquerque's Turquoise Lodge Adolescent Substance Abuse Unit, the state's only fully medically staffed program, which since it opened last summer has treated 100 youths from

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new mexico drug rehab – Google News

US drug policy fuels push for legal pot worldwide – Macon Telegraph (blog)

Macon Telegraph (blog)

US drug policy fuels push for legal pot worldwide
Macon Telegraph (blog)
And in Mexico City, the vast metropolis of a country ravaged by horrific cartel bloodshed, lawmakers have proposed a brand new plan to let stores sell the drug. From the Americas to Europe to North Africa and beyond, the marijuana legalization movement
Countries rethink pot laws in wake of US, UruguayHelena Independent Record

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new mexico drug rehab – Google News

Rule changes could increase urban farming options – The Spokesman Review

Rule changes could increase urban farming options
The Spokesman Review
Rodman in rehab just to 'decompress' · Feb. 15, 2014 in Nation/World on Page A4 Dennis Rodman checked into an alcohol-rehabilitation center to reevaluate his life, not give up drinking. “I needed to decompress from all the things I was going through,” 

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new mexico drug rehab – Google News

Sorting out what’s becoming a confusing legislative session – Ruidoso News

Sorting out what's becoming a confusing legislative session
Ruidoso News
New Mexico politics are so confusing! Let's sort it out. Sen. Lisa Torraco, a Bernalillo Republican, last year voted no on a bill to outlaw the She says the state should be putting more emphasis on rehab than jail time. "I don't feel a whole lot is

new mexico drug rehab – Google News

Beatles' influence radiated with more than music
The influence of the Beatles on culture and spirit…: The Beatles inspired the music of many artists that followed them yet admirers also say the group's search for faith was influential too. Video by Craig Rubadoux and Malcolm Denemark, edited by …
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