Has There Been a Study on How High a Percentage of FPS Players Are Sociopathic?
Question by David G: Has there been a study on how high a percentage of FPS players are sociopathic?
I encounter quite a number of people daily who are certainly sociopaths and sometimes something even worse. They derive their self worth solely from seeking to control and dominate other people. If you best them in a game they become enraged and go on rants involving racial, sexual and other hate-filled insults to the extreme. I can’t imagine this not having been studied in depth by mental health professionals at some point.
I am not talking about the games contributing to mental illness but rather how many people who are in innately sociopathic are drawn to MP games, namely FPS. But I appreciate the article.
Best answer:
Answer by Bingo
Aggressive behavior and video games has been a controversial in modern society for a while now, however I’ve only researched a little bit. From what I’ve read, there has been a link between school shooters and video games, but the thing is it only affects a certain percentage of the population. A lot of teens these days play video games over 40 hours a week, which is pretty stunning to anyone who doesn’t understand about how addicting and social teenagers can become on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network, or MMORPGs. I know from first hand experiences, as a former gamer of over 50+ hours a week growing up and now as a teenager, that it has affected the way I think. I like to see everything as an objective and my perspective of the everyday world is so much different than other people… they can tell and I can tell.
I’m not saying the effects of video games are bad for everyone, in fact it’s horrible for certain people, especially with mental illness, but for me it ruined my academic life and social life… They both ended as a wreck, and are still in repair, still a few years after quitting slowly and painfully…
but the best advice anyone can give you, at least that I think, is to play video games in moderation and not let it control yourself or people you know. You’ll be doing them a huge favor. Video games is a strong addiction for certain people, so if you know someone with a video game addiction, you have to help them help themselves. If you come off as controlling, they will be driven away; no one likes to be controlled.
I wish you luck for whatever the reason you asked.
Check this out if you want to look further into it: http://www.soc.iastate.edu/sapp/VideoGames1.pdf
*Edit: Regarding your Additinal Details*
I couldn’t find a study with sociopaths and video games, but using logic I believe that people that are anti social involve themselves in activities that are… antisocial. From listening to people that are anti social, and being slightly anti social myself, they tend to be drawn to personal hobbies such as drawing, reading, writing, etc. etc. Also, anti social people tend to be drawn to drug abuse. Without a doubt, video games is included as an antisocial hobby.
I also couldn’t find any statistics on how many people that play FPS are anti social/sociopathic, but I can assure you, even without any studies or statistics, that there are a lot of them out there. They are drawn to hobbies like FPS games.
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