Government Roles Towards Eradication of Drug Abuse/addiction?

Question by iwezor: government roles towards eradication of drug abuse/addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by UpAtNight
AKA, the War on Drugs. It’s not working. And they are overzealous in trying to control the medical aspect of prescribing drugs for pain control. People who need it are not getting pain relief simply because doctors are too afraid of getting ‘looked at’ by the DEA.

Answer by laurel g
In my area, we have what is called Drug Court, at the Courthouse. People on drugs are put in jail. Sometimes, they qualify for drug court. This is a hard core drug court that will send you straight to prison, if you do not toe the mark. Person on drugs can be put on probation, while going to drug court, attending mandatory meetings, living in jail (first) and then, in a House that is ONLY for rehab. The person gets tested randomly, and if any test comes up positive, the person goes to prison. After, at least, 3 years of this…….the person MAY get to go home, get a job, or whatever. It’s a hard road, and few make it. Those who do are very happy!

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