Drug Treatment Centers Albuquerque

VIDEO: Northern California Bus Crash Kills 10

VIDEO: Northern California bus crash kills 10
At least nine people died in Northern California on Thursday night, in an accident involving a bus, a car and FedEx truck. The bus was filled with high … Part medicine, part welfare, the initiative allows doctors at Boston Medical Center to write… Continue reading

New Beginnings Recovery Center Offers a New Detoxification Breakthrough in

New Beginnings Recovery Center Offers a New Detoxification Breakthrough in
New Beginnings Recovery Center has been a leader in the addiction treatment field in South Florida for over 8 years. They have now launched a new program that promises to change the standard for outpatient detoxification. The Restore Neurotransmitter …… Continue reading

Chemical in Coffee Becomes a Marker for Human Waste

Chemical in coffee becomes a marker for human waste
In tracking down pollution, officials with Kitsap Public Health District in Kitsap, Wash., can normally locate one or more failing septic systems or a yard full of dog waste and ask people to fix the problems, said Shawn Ultican, a water-quality… Continue reading

Looking for State Run Long Term Drug Rehab Facility?

Question by David L: looking for state run long term drug rehab facility?

i am looking for a state run long term. drug rehab. facility, in south florida. I have to get my 26 year old son HELP. He is ready to turn his life around. HELP PLEASE

Best answer:… Continue reading

Medicare Doctors: Who Gets the Big Bucks & for What

Medicare doctors: Who gets the big bucks & for what
Medicare paid doctors $ 77 billion in 2012 to care for the nation's elderly and disabled, according to an unprecedented trove of data released Wednesday by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Thousands of … One might think… Continue reading

Good Sam Meets Mr. Brownstone

Good Sam Meets Mr. Brownstone
The bill, House Bill 369, is now in the hands of the Alaska Senate. Ron Greene, clinical director at the Center for Drug Problems in Anchorage, is among the drug-rehab professionals who lobbied for the bill. Green said a coalition called “Meeting the …
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