Drug Addiction Can Come in the Genes?
Question by : Drug addiction can come in the genes?
Is possible that my addiction to drugs is because my father used cocaine, before and during my mother’s pregnancy?
Best answer:
Answer by Crab Nicholson
Uh no you can’t get addict unless you do it your self.
Answer by SethSpeaks
Nope. You took that first step and used a drug. You knew what drugs do to people because you saw it first hand, but you did it anyway. What is hereditary is a tendency towards getting addicted to substances. In other words, nothing makes you take a drink that first time, but it is somewhat hereditary to lose control of yourself and become a drunk. It is not hereditary to make the decision to smoke that crack the first time, but it is somewhat hereditary to have trouble stopping once you start. And so on. If you lived with your father and observed his behavior, it may be that you had become somewhat used to it and see it as in some way normal. But the first step any addict has to take to get straight is just accept your responsibility in it.
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