Can Someone Please Recommend a Good Substance Abuse Treatment?

Question by ailyn la: Can someone please recommend a good substance abuse treatment?
My teenage daughter has gotten herself hooked on heroin. I just really want her to go back to the way she once was, when she was still not addicted to that drug. I have been trying to persuade and convince her to undergo drug treatment, and I think she’s now ready. What should I do?

Best answer:

Answer by camila ct
Well, I think it’s a good thing that your daughter is now ready to leave her addiction days behind. That’s the first step, isn’t it? At least she has finally acknowledged her problem and is willing to do something about it.

There are lots of substance abuse treatments nowadays. First, she would need to undergo heroin detox, so that her body will be freed of all traces of heroin. You can take her to the doctor so that the doctor will be able to check up on her and recommend a treatment program that would be right for her. Substance abuse treatment programs nowadays include counseling, therapies, and medication. This will be of big help to your daughter. I really hope she gets herself treated soon. Good luck!

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