Alcoholic/Drug Abuse…. and Pregnancy?
Question by ~*tRiiNa*~: Alcoholic/Drug Abuse…. and Pregnancy?
I’ve always wondered this…. what happens if an already alcoholic/drug abuser woman finds out she is pregnant and wants to keep the baby? What kind of treatment does she have to go through in order to ensure a safe pregnancy (assuming she wants to quit)…..?
I’m referring to strong liquor and cannabis on this one
Best answer:
Answer by Susan
Depends on what is being abused and to what extent.
Answer by starrwoode
if shes abusing and gets pregnant the infant is likely going to be adversely effected before she knew she was pregnant, they tell you now if you plan to get pregnant start clearing your system of every negative chemical agent a year before you expect to get pregnant, that stuff messes things up for a long time. the kind of treatments i dont really know , after shes pregnant, she should stop drugs and eat right, but most dont have the strength to quit.
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