Where Should I Go for Treatment?

Question by tunz-a-fun: Where Should I Go For Treatment?
In my previous question i asked if i should get help for depression, the answers came in and most of them said were a yes so now i pose the question where should i go to get treatment. My friends want either a 30 60 or 90 day center. please help me find one.
I am already trying medication and have already seen a professional, and no it wasn’t just one visit i have seen one for about a year…. any aditional info would be appreciated

Best answer:

Answer by Angela M
You don’t need to go into a program like that. What you needd is a good psychiatrist. Go to your health insurance website (if you have insurance) and print off a list of covered practitioners in your area. Pick the one with the best credentials and the most experience, then make an appointment.

Answer by CB
Treatment for depression isnt like going into drug rehab. This is how i found help: I went to my normal family doctor and told him that I wanted help for depression. he then referred me to a mental health association that handles this kind of thing and they sent me to a community mental health clinic..which is free ti visit since its also covered by health care. Thats where i started seeing my psychologist for therapy. They have psychiatrists there and other kinds of mental health professionals. I got into group therapy there too. There are several ways to get help…day center for 90 days isnt gonna cut it. Go to a psychologist, get properly evaluated and continue treatment with him or her. Its a long road and there are various possiblities for treatment after that. Good luck 🙂

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