Excessive Drug Use Causative of Tumors?

Question by InquiringMinds_Oo: Excessive drug use causative of tumors?
A friend of mine (middle-aged female) was just diagnosed with a tumor within the bone of her spine and from what I’ve heard also around her lungs and around the spinal nerve. Biopsies have been done and while the cells have been called “irregular” they haven’t been called cancer. I’m not sure the difference, but all that has been discussed as far as I know is surgical removal of as much of the tumor as possible. My question is (as bad as I feel for even considering this) if anyone really definitively knows whether or not Oxycodone abuse… severe, prolonged Oxycodone abuse may be the reason these tumors have occurred. Its a question that I keep thinking about every time I think about the situation…
What do you mean No? “No I’ve never heard of that. No it is impossible because… No because its shorter to type than yes.” Yes and no doesn’t tell me much more than a hunch.

Best answer:

Answer by april
No it doesn’t.

When yes is not the answer, you type, no. Google is very useful in searching for info. The answer is, no it doesn’t.

Answer by Craftylass
There have been no cases of oxycodone causing cancer.

“What makes OxyContin dangerous is not only that it’s addictive, it can also be lethal,” says Drew Pinsky, MD, best known for his Loveline radio show. “It makes you feel you can tolerate more, but it can precipitate respiratory failure, especially when used with other drugs like alcohol or benzodiazepenes.” http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/features/oxycontin-pain-relief-vs-abuse

A list of the more common side effects of oxycodone addiction can be found here: http://www.livestrong.com/article/182676-long-term-effects-of-oxycontin-abuse/

Primary bone cancer in adults is somewhat uncommon. I’m not sure what you mean when you say “around her lungs” . . . does this mean *in* her lungs? If so, it’s possible that she has lung cancer that has metastasized to her spine.

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