Is It Possible I Have Kidney Failure From Child Abuse?

Question by Liz D: Is it possible I have kidney failure from child abuse?
At the age of 23, I was diagnosed with kidney failure. I was finally accepted into the university I applied to from Junior college and was driving around Los Angeles to scout junior colleges for that last math class I needed to transfer. I saw a strange blurb in my vision and went to see my doctor. He took my blood labs and the next day told me to go to ER because my creatinine was 8. At this point, I was still urinating and did not feel sick. My mother and father physically and emotionally abused me from when I was very young up until the day I left home at around 16. There were times it was so bad that I wore sweaters on hot days to school to cover up my bruises. And other times my mother would tell me that I “didn’t have to go to school” the next day. Is it possible that the abuse I endured from, let’s say 7-16 caused my kidneys that much damage that I ended up with kidney failure at 23? Is it possible that I suffered from Rhabdomyolysis? I’ve already forgiven my parents, my mother donated her kidney to me. I just want to get down to the cause.

Best answer:

Answer by aWellWisher
It is a possibility, but I think you should ssearch for more common causes, like PUJ obstruction, stone etc. Hope it helps. All the best!

Answer by sunflowers
You should discuss this with your urologist. You can get blood in the urine from trauma, so you can get damage from trauma. Rhabdomyolysis I think is often from drug side effects, even over the counter drugs sometimes. Look it up online or look in a book called “The Oxford Guide to Clinical Medicine”. It is a small pocket guide. Find it on ebay or amazon or in used bookstores or maybe the library. It has a lot of condensed information. High creatinine can sometimes be where your body doesn’t get enough nutrition and starts to break down tissues that are supposed to be kept (like too much muscle breakdown from anorexia as an example).

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